The Kid Goals program has been developed for ages 3-12. This age range was chosen due to a child’s cognitive development, there ability to process and execute task and based upon the ages in which most children choose to participate in the sport of soccer.
Participants can expect to have lots of fun thru activities developed to help teach not only the World’s #1 sport, but critical thinking, speed, agility and coordination which all can be used in other sports that individuals may chose to play.
Our #1 goal is to teach your child coordination, agility, ball control and various techniques that can be applied to the game of soccer should they choose to play in a local youth soccer league. Our instructors strive to create a sense of passion and desire in each participant to play and learn the fundamental skills of the World’s #1 sport.
The main goal for each session is for each child to leave wanting more. More fun, more games, more activities, more learning. Each training session will provide opportunities for your child to work on there Cognitive skills, Physical development and yes SOCCER SKILLS.
The curriculum was developed by experienced soccer club coaches, ex-professional players and educators in fields of Physical Education, Childhood Education and Health and wellness all of whom have PH.D’s in the aforementioned fields. At the core of the Kid Goals program are educationally grounded and age appropriate activities which make up the basis for the curriculum.